Sunday, December 27, 2009
A Small Update
I hope everyone had a great holiday!
The building is coming along nicely. I wish it were faster but we are only two people and we can only work so hard *sighs* I'm hoping to be moved in by the end of January.
I'm getting older and my body is NOT enjoying this construction work. Currently I am sporting tendonitis of my right elbow and I've been in a left wrist brace for about a month (tendonitis too). Not to mention the back issues.
Because of these wonderful injuries and pushing to get in the new daycare, I'm going to stay closed for awhile. I won't be able to open Sundays for a few weeks
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The one day a week I'll be open
I'll open it either before I go to bed on Saturday night or when I wake up on Sunday morning. I'll close it when I go to bed Sunday night (usually around 10pm...yeah, yeah...lame I know...but my life requires me to be up early).
Thank you so much everyone and I am sorry about this and I appreciate all the well wishes and your understanding.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I'm going to try and open one day per week. If/when I am able to do that, I will e-mail everyone that is on my newsletter list; so go and sign up for the newsletter to be kept up to date!
If you absolutely have to have some goodies, just e-mail me and I'm sure we can work something out.
Thanks everyone and have a great turkey day.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Some News...
That means construction and moving start soon. I talked with my husband about Skin Candy and the hours etc and I think I'm going to end up closing down Skin Candy so I can concentrate on getting the daycare moved. BUT...I'm going to open it 1 day per week so you guys can order :)
I REALLY, REALLY appreciate that you guys choose to spend your hard earned money with Skin Candy and I don't want to let you, my customers, down.
I'll update more here as soon as I know things... but for now, I'm still open :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Our lease is up with the dog daycare at the end of March. We have found our new home, hopefully! It isn't zoned correctly so we have to go in front of the zoning board and ask for a change of use. Our appointment for that is on November 9th. If they approve our move, we will start getting the new building ready the beginning of December up until we move in March.
My husband and I don't hire people to do this for us, we do all the work ourselves (Lord help my back) so all "spare" time will be at the new building doing construction etc.
I'll know more on Nov 9th and will update here. There may be some days where I can open the store for a day or two and take your orders but I'm not sure :(
I don't want to start a panic or anything but stock up on your goodies and if you plan on giving Skin Candy for gifts you may want to order soon.
I'm also in the beginnings of a 3 week long fund raising campaign (go girls from East Coast Dance!) so depending on the amount of orders coming in, I may need to close up shop to catch up.
I'm always here if you absolutely can't live without your Skin Candy, just drop me an e-mail and we can work something out!
Don't worry wholesale peeps, this will NOT include you! I'll continue to provide you with your candy :) Diane and Michelle will also be able to get their girls.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Foot Care Pack is available!
I just finished putting the foot care packs up for sale in the store.
Just in time for gift giving!
I have taken the wonderful Foot Scrub & Foot Cream, paired it up with a real Ped Egg, and threw it all in a 100% silk purse.
The purse is 8"x8" The picture above shows it next to my regular every day purse (excuse the mess of it). The purses are a variety of colors with different textures. I'm sorry but because of the variety, you will not be able to pick which purse you get but rest assured, they are all very, very pretty :)
Sold with just the Foot scrub ($9), Foot Cream ($8), & Ped Egg ($10) this would retail for $27 and that isn't even including the silk purse! I'm selling the whole set for $23. 95. I really do not want to sound like an infomercial, but act fast because I only have 50 of these (if they go over really well, I may get another 50 in stock).
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Yes or No?
I've been debating on adding a spray perfume.
I found some great bottles that I love and are a great 1oz size and I would also scent them at a minimum of 40% fragrance. Here is an explanation on perfume vs the rest:
- Perfume, also called extract or extrait perfume, can include 15-40% perfume concentrates. This is the purest form of scented product and is the most expensive as a result.
- Eau de parfum contains about 7-15% perfume concentrates. This is the most popular and common form of perfume. It provides a long-lasting fragrance and generally doesn't cost as much as extract perfume.
- Eau de toilette has around 1-6% perfume concentrates. This makes for a light scent that doesn't linger as long as the more intense versions. It was originally intended to be a refreshing body splash to help people wake up in the morning.
- Eau de cologne is sometimes used interchangeably with the term eau de toilette. However, the concoction began as the name of a light, fresh fragrance mixed with citrus oils and was made popular by Napoleon. Some perfumers today have a version of this called eau fraiche.
Feel free to e-mail me at and let me know...I'd LOVE some feedback.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Look, look, look

I'm putting together a foot care gift pack as soon as all the supplies come in.
It will include:
-a jar of The Best Foot Scrub In The Whole Wide World
-a jar of the Foot Cream
-1 real honest to goodness Ped Egg
-and it will come in one of these silk purses. The purses are 8"x8"
I've been working on a foot spray too (with peppermint and tea tree oils) to be sprayed on the tooties after the scrub and creams...not sure if that will be in there or not.
I'm excited. I have to figure out pricing but these will be very, very, very affordable! I'm only going to start with 50 of these babies. If they do really well, I'll add more.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bath melts are back!
If it's still warm in your part of the country you may want to hold off on ordering for a bit. These may melt if they sit in the back of a warm mail truck for a day or so!
I also just put the new "design your own scrub" on sale for one week...go check it out.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Design Your Own Scrub
You start by picking your base. You can choose from the foaming, the moisturizing, or a 50/50 mix of both.
Then you can choose your sugar, extra scrubbies, and even add extra oil!
Sugar choices:
Regular white sugar
Brown sugar
Turbinado sugar-this is a large grain sugar
Regular sugar & Turbinado sugar mixed (50/50)
A combination of all three sugars (regular, turbinado, & brown)
You can choose to add additional scrubbies!
Extra Scrubbies:
Apricot seeds
Pumice powder
Ground oatmeal
Both apricot seeds & pumice powder
A combination of all three extra scrubbies (apricot, pumice, & oats)
You can choose to add extra oil
Extra Oils:
Olive oil
Sweet almond oil
So go and design your own scrubs for $12....have fun!
Friday, September 25, 2009
New lip balm and scrub flavors
Apples & cinnamon
Asian pear
Buttery toffee crunch
Cinnamon supreme
Coconut milk & peaches
Iced pineapple & tangerine
Mint truffles
Ooey gooey caramel
Pistachio ice cream
Red delicious apples
Sugared strawberries
I'll be putting the lip balms on sale until Tuesday 9/29 8am.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Visit these blogs
So Sorry
My hubby is taking me camping this weekend to celebrate 9 years of marriage without killing each other and on Sunday Diane (hi Diane) is having a really big party (26 girls-hi party girls).
I've stayed open through the last few Skin Candy parties but I am going to close for this one, just in case.
If you can't live without your Skin Candy for 4-5 days, just pop me an e-mail and I can get you your fix lol.
Thanks everyone!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sale prices are good until next Tuesday (8/25/2009). You also can't use the 30% "scent of the week" sale AND the scrub sale price, sorry.
Go and try some of the new fall scents! They are nom, nom, nom. Butterscotch candies and vermont maple syrup really, really surprised me!! I thought they wouldn't be my thing but I'm digging them *drools*
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Brown Sugar & Oatmeal Scrub Going Up
So I made this great brown sugar and oatmeal scrub but I was vacillating back and forth about the oats. A wonderful woman by the name of Diane, who sells Skin Candy and has a party tomorrow, e-mailed me asking when it was going to be put up. Here is part of my reply:
"The only issue I'm having with the brown sugar scub is if the
oatmeal. Should it be ground up a little bit?? What do you think? I'm
such a libra-one minute I'm loving it, the next, not so much. It's the
oats. The damn oats are holding it up lol. What do you think of the oats?
That being said, the price would be $10 AND I'm going to go and lower the
price of the moisturizing scrub to $10.95 right now.
Diane what do YOU think of the damn oats??? lol "
See my issue with the oats is that they were whole and would just lay in the bottom of the shower, like little dead fish instead of going down the drain. One shower it bothered me, the next shower it didn't. Back and forth I went (it really is no party being a libra sometimes. YES, I'm blaming it on that!).
Diane, being such a great gal, replied:
"Well...since we are on the subject of the damn
I like the whole oatmeal sprinkled on top...but I think it should be ground
up a little more inside the scrub.
I love the consistency of the scrub and the smell is yummy (the sweet
pumpkin really compliments the brown sugar).
I think it is a winner....just grind up the damn oats a little more!
That's what I "
So there you have it. The the way I made the decision about the oats. Sometimes it's not all about working and re-working a recipe. Sometimes it's just another opinion to push you in the direction you were headed anyway. I'm going to the website now to add the scrub.
Lowered the price of the moisturizing scrub
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Fall & Winter Scents Are Up!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New Scrub Lids
Monday, August 3, 2009
My Crazy Life
If you guys put in an order in the evening and I don't e-mail you right away saying I received it, don't panic. I am now sleeping overnights at the dog daycare Monday-Thursday (Mon & Tue I work from 4pm until 7am the next morning, Wed & Thurs it's 7pm-7am).
I check all the orders and e-mails in the morning when I get home so just be patient with me :)
There is also a new product coming, there are pictures of it up on the "lets go shopping" page. It's a brown sugar and oatmeal scrub...yummmmmmy.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger......
Well camping went well lol. My boys were both made for camping! Scout made me so proud, he was so well behaved. We didn't even have to tie him up when we were just hanging around camp. He just found a shady spot under the tree and hung out and watched everything going on around him. His favorite part was the hiking on the trails. We did a LOT of hiking, because let's face it, camping is boring! We hiked on trails & we hiked off trails. We went fishing. It was just an all around good time. I can't wait to go again.
I recently changed the "scent list" on the site. Now it includes pictures :) But if the pictures aren't your thing, you can still find an alphabetized list.
I just ordered some fall and x-mas scents. Here is the line up so far (I'm sure I'll add more, I'm a fragrance oil addict).
Almond rum cake: A scrumptious bakery arrangement beginning with top notes of almond extract, chopped almonds, and dark rum; followed by middle notes of sugar cane, coconut milk, vanilla extract, and heavy cream; well-rounded with base notes of butter and cake batter.
Apple butter caramel: machintosh apple, steamed milk, pure sugar, caramel candy, toffee pudding, apple butter, fresh nutmeg, vanilla bean, and soft musk.
Candy kitchen :holiday apple & spices with a splash of mint
Kicked up cocoa : Cool cocoa fragrance begins with top notes of cocoa and peppermint; followed by middle notes of vanilla and spearmint; with base notes of gourmet dark chocolate and vanilla beans.
Egg nog: French vanilla egg nog with hints of nutmeg and a touch of cinnamon
Elf sweat: Elf sweat fragrance is a bubbly, magical blend of candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup, with effervescent spicy soda pop bubbles to provide a unique, magical top note.
Holiday pomegranate: pomegranate, sparkling citrus, dewberry, blackberry, iris, jasmine, sheer musk, sandalwood, and red cassis.
Hot cocoa: warm hot chocolate with melted mashmallow topping.
Hot toddy: well-balanced blend of Fuji apple, bergamot, lemon wedge, cinnamon stick, granulated sugar, zesty clove, hot apple cider, nutmeg, and vanilla bean.
Joy Noel: vanilla beans, cinnamon, coconut and cassiaa
Pumpkin & Vanilla: rich pumpkin pie with whipped vanilla topping
Pumpkin apple butter: top notes of orange, apple, pear, pineapple, and cherries; middle notes of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove; with base notes of warm vanilla.
Snickerdoodles: The fresh baked aroma of French vanilla with a touch of cinnamon sticks, gingerbread, and maple syrup
Snow angels: Duplication of Yankee's Snow Angels Type. Minty aroma with a buttercream top note.
Spiced pear: sweet juicy pear blended with spices
Sweet pumpkin: pumpkin blended with sweet cream, molasses, and a hint of spice
Sweet pumpkin noel: Last years best seller of sweet pumpkin blended with vanilla bean noel
Pumpkin eggnog: a creamy eggnog toddy sprinkled with pumpkin pie & spices
Trick or treat: top notes of pumpkin, persimmon, and apple; followed by middle notes of blueberries, elderberries, currants, orange and cinnamon; and well rounded with base notes of sugar cane and vanilla.
Reindeer poo: top notes of apples and pears; followed by middle notes of eucalyptus, pine, and geranium; and well-balanced with base notes of vanilla, cedarwood, and patchouli. Comes with the following poem:
Santa saved a precious gift
And it's especially for you.
Just a little something extra
And it comes from Rudolph, too!
He knows that you've been naughty
Instead of being nice.
Once again you're on the bad list
And he's checked it over twice.
Santa hopes this little poem
Doesn't throw you for a loop.
All your getting this year
Is a bunch of reindeer poop!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Win $100 worth of Skin Candy products!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Going Camping
So I have a planner for a husband. He's lightened up over the years but the "planner" still surfaces occasionally. It surfaced with the camping expedition.
He put the tent up in our back yard yesterday. His words were; "I want to know how to put up the tent BEFORE I get up there so I don't look like a complete fool". I can see the wisdom in that I guess. It's a nice big tent and it will fit the two aero beds we already own with enough room for Scout to have his bed in there too. Yep two beds. We are way past the age where two grown adults will try and fit on one full sized blow up bed lol.
He rode his motorcycle up to check out the camp that we booked online, site unseen because it was the only state park in Pennsylvania that had an opening for tonight. Apparently upon entering the park he had to slow down because a BEAR was crossing the road. A BEAR??!!!?? The meanest thing I wanted to encounter while camping was a mosquito or a really big mean fighting sunfish ugh. I've been telling myself that the campgrounds wouldn't let people camp if bears were busy tearing people apart........right?
I'm hoping that there will be nobody there with fireworks. As Scout gets older, he gets more and more afraid of EVERYTHING (thunder, wind blowing through the trees, rain....yes rain, fireworks-because they sound like thunder ya know)!! Fireworks were going off last night and he just sat at my feet shaking like a leaf. I so need Ceasar.
I'm off to start packing the car. Temps are expected to get down to 50 tonight so I'm bringing my electric blanket. Yes, we are camping in a tent but I did get a site with electricity so I'm willing to rough it but not freeze lol.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I know I said in the past I was looking in to shampoo and conditioner but that kind of fell to the wayside for now. The problems I was running into was the cost to ship to me made it way too expensive...especially because I wasn't really jazzed about anything I found.
That is how the hair mask came about. I have the funkiest hair. I've been grey since early 30's so I dye my hair. Grey, dyed hair...can we say DRY?? On top of that, it's also curly but not the; "ohh you have such pretty curly hair" type curly. It's the; "I'm not sure if I want to be curly, wavy, or just frizzy, puffy" hair. It usually falls to the fizzy, puffy end *sighs* So I tossed together a hot oil treatment.
I picked some really decadent oils, mixed them all together and went off to shower thinking I was going to be in Nirvana...tossing my "ohhh you have such pretty curly hair" as I walked down the street. Guys would; "hubba-hubba" me and all would be right with the world. Pffttt not even close. It didn't really DO much at all. I was quite shocked. So off to do some research on where it all went wrong.
I researched and came up with the hair mask. I went to the shower, with not-so-high expectations, and came out with something that is pretty darn good (if I do say so myself)!! It's as close to; "ohhh you have such pretty curly hair", that this 40 year old housewife is going to get lol.
I kind of went off track on that story huh?? Back to the shampoo and conditioner. I will get to formulating, not a base, them one of these days, or months. But I'm now on to a new fascination....
So I was at the department store the other day and I happened on the perfume counter and I ended up spending over $100 on two perfumes...wait, excuse me...on two eau de toilettes (fancy word for saying they aren't as strong as perfumes). If you have taken a look at the 'coming soon' scent list, you will see that I have a few designer dupes headed my way. I'm going to try and do an actual perfume (strong as I can make it) that will last longer than the two I purchased for the big moola.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
It's up!

So the new sugar scrub is up on the website....yeah!!! I've taken some pictures of the different tests that I thought I would include here for you wonderful readers :) The top two pictures are what the scrub looks like normally.
This is my own recipe :)
So I wanted to test what heat would do to the new sugar scrub so I put it in a 170 degree oven for 1/2 hour. The above picture is what resulted. Not too bad I think. You can see some oil separation but not bad at all. After a few minutes, the scrub went back to normal.
Then I wanted to see what would happen if it were even hotter so I cranked the oven up to 250 degrees and put the sugar scrub in a pyrex cup (not sure if the plastic container would melt at that heat) and I cooked the scrub for 5 hours!!! Here is what happened:
It got pretty thin but it held together...the oils didn't separate from the sugar. Once it sat on my counter for 15-20 minutes it was back to it's normal consistency.
So as we come in to our hottest months you just need to remember that if you get a scrub that is runny, just let it sit out on the counter or in your fridge for a few minutes and it will go back to normal.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Mom is headed home :(
Cross your fingers that she get's home on her own! She's only flown a few times and one time, it was a total nightmare. Long story short...she was lost for over 7 hours with no cell phone, no phone numbers on her to call anyone. She ended up in an area of Allentown, I wouldn't step foot in, after midnight *shivers* Note to all travelers out there; If you have a connecting flight to Allentown from Newark NJ, it is NOT a plane, it is a BUS!!!
This time I purchased her a "throw away" cell phone. I programmed it with every number I could think of, AND she's flying non-stop lol.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Going to pee my pants!
It's not like the oil & sugar mess, from the days of old, that you needed to stir prior to using to get it to mix but it is FULL of awesome butters and oils like cocoa butter, coconut oil, shea butter, sweet almond oil, and extra virgin olive oil *sighs*
I listened to you girls and I think I have made something you will love.
- It has zero water in it (take a look at your favorite sugar scrubs and I bet one of the first few ingredients is water...heck, my other scrub has water in it)
- It is made with lots o'sugar so it is the consistency of cookie can roll it in to a soft squishy ball :)
- It is a foaming sugar scrub
- It rinses clean
I'm ordering jars for it and it will be available on the website soon. Stay tuned!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Open for business!
And as a "thank you" for being so patient, I'm putting the store on sale until 10pm (eastern standard time) tonight :)
Starting now, everything is on sale. 15% off.
Enter coupon code "10pm"
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Party Time
There is another Skin Candy Party today so I'll be closed for a bit.
I'll re-open as soon as possible.
There is also another party scheduled next two weekends.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
We are back from Atlantic City. We had a really nice time. We stayed at the Taj Mahal-first time staying there. It was a really nice room!
A few words of advice about the Taj.....1) Do NOT eat at the buffet...oh my goodness, saying it was "bad" is really a big understatement....that was a $21 waste of money...what they did to the fried shrimp...makes me shiver to think about it. The $10 over done cheeseburger from "burger" was a step up. I asked the waiter if a lot of people complain to him about the food. He said that he hears them but no one is as "bold" as me to actually say something to him lol. Bold?? Hmmmm, I wonder if that's another word for the "B" word?
2) Don't bother playing the slots there...they were not nice :(
We hoofed it down to Caesars and played Slingo for hours on $20 each. We didn't win anything but that's ok. We just had a really fun time cheering for ourselves and everyone around us :)
I dragged her down to the ocean and we walked on the beach today...I mean, you can't come from Minnesota and NOT walk on the beach. She also got to experience the wonderful sea gulls while she was trying to eat a funnel cake lol. I really thought they were going to crawl in her lap!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I just closed the store because I'm off with my mother to Atlantic City tomorrow..yeah!! Wish us luck :) We'll be spending the night and returning on Thursday.
The party that was scheduled this Sunday has been rescheduled to next Sunday so I'll be open this weekend.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Feeling Better and I'm Closing A Day
I'd be really embarrassed but apparently it's pretty unusual for that to happen because the doc had never seen, I'm only a little embarrassed lol.
My mom, from Minnesota, is staying with my husband and I and her birthday is Wednesday. I'm going to close for the day and take her to the casino. Either Atlantic City, Philly, or maybe the Poconos..I haven't decided. She loves the casino and never treats herself plus, she's going back to Mn in less than a month so I'm going to ditch the hubby and just head out with her.
So I'm going to close the website to sales Tuesday night. I'll open it back up on Wednesday night (unless of course we hit big and decide to stay lol).
Thanks ladies for all the well wishes, you really do the heart good!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I'm Sick
I'm off to the doctor tomorrow morning first thing. Come on anti-biotics lol.
Good night everyone.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sale on Scrubbly Bars
They are on sale for $6.25. So go and get yourself some scrubbly, where is my binky so I can go to bed???
Monday, April 6, 2009
Another Party
There are some parties coming up in the next few months so I'll be closing the website to sales so I can process the party orders.
The next party is going to be April 19th. I'll be closing from 4/19-4/23 or 4/24.
I'll update here as usual.
Ohhhh I forgot to mention that I'll be offering the scrubbly bars is ONE solid bar. That bad boy will weigh 10oz! You will be able to choose between the three bars or the one solid bar. Soooooo there is going to be a sale coming up on the scrubbly bars! It will start Wednesday 4/8 and be done on Saturday 4/11 :) I'm thinking they will be on sale for $1.50 off...maybe a little bit more...I have to think on that.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thanks for being so patient, I'm open!
The website store is now open!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Opening & a Sale!
Party orders are processed and ready to go in to the mail tomorrow (Thursday).
I will not be opening the store until tomorrow evening because I'm meeting with a local salon & day spa. They are looking to use the foot scrub and foot cream for their mani's and pedi's. They are also going to be retailing....yeah...cross your fingers for me!
I'll be opening the store after the meeting, I'm hoping by 6pm. For everyone that has patiently waited, I'll be having a really QUICK sale. I'll open the store as soon as I'm back from the meeting and the sale will run until 9pm.
Hmmmm, how about a 25% off really quick sale :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Still Closed & Doing Some Testing
I'm also going to start testing shampoo & conditioner!
I have two types of salt sitting in some salt scrub. Hoping to get in the shower with it in the next few days and take it for a test drive.
I'm going to try & get the protein hair mist up by Thursday too :)
That's it for the updates.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Closing for a few days
I don't want my online orders to suffer a longer TAT because of the party so I'll be closing the website to online sales for a few days so I can process the party orders.
The date of the party is 3/29. I'm thinking I'll close from 3/29-4/2. It might not be that long or it might be longer. Who the heck knows. I'll know more after the party is held and I'll update here on the blog.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Lip Scrub is Up!
I have to get a picture up there but it is available now.
The lip scrub comes in a 1oz jar. It's whipped so the oils and butter won't separate from the sugar (One of the things I hate about traditional scrubs).
I'm only offering it in peppermint right now but I'll be adding a few more flavors in the future :)
Seasonal Scents
If anyone wants a fall/winter scent once they are down, just send me an e-mail. If I have the oil, I'll gladly make your products in your scents.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Things In The Works
Good news is that I've been working on a protein hair mist and I'm loving it! I've just ordered the packaging for it. I'll package them in 2oz, cute pink bottles. They should be available within the next few weeks :)
I'm also testing a moisturizing lip scrub. Need to tweak it a bit more but I'm thinking they should be available around the same time as the protein hair mist.
And for the ladies that have been requesting a salt scrub...that should be coming too!
Things that have been a bust so far:
scrubbly bars with salt
I need to test some larger salt grains in the scrubbly bars. The two sizes I've tested so far just dissolve *sighs*
I'm also working on getting the whipped cream soap in a tube.
So that's the update on what's in the works.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Yeah, It's Here!
Looks like the bath melts will not be available until tomorrow now, sorry.
7:15pm and he just arrived YEAH!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Back in Stock!
Bath melts should be available tomorrow (Thursday 3/4/2009) after 7:30pm.
I'm also in the process of getting the scrubbly bars up on the site tonight :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Growing Pains
I seem to have under estimated the buying power of you ladies! I thought I was way ahead of you in ordering supplies, alas, I was wrong *sighs*
I've had to put the whipped cream soap, foaming whipped sugar scrubs, and bath melts "out of stock". I've also had to put the scrubbly bars on hold until I can refill my shelves.
I should be able to get those items back in stock this week.
I've also extended the 14% off sale until Sunday 3/8/2009.
Now on to another issue. I fill all of my bottles and jars by weight. Most of the products are OVER the stated weight on the jar/bottle. Also most of the products are not "filled to the rim". If your package gets tossed around in the mail, product could/has moved in to the empty space and created air pockets :( It also, as I've been told, creates the illusion that the products are not full.
Two products in question are whipped cream soap and sugar scrubs. I've ordered smaller containers for the whipped cream soap so that one won't be an issue. But the sugar scrubs are still an issue. I like the fact that they don't hit the rim because I can put the pretty colored sugar on top. If I fill the scrubs to the top, add the colored sugar, and twist shut. The colored sugar, especially multiple colored sugars, blend together...get mushed in the product, and they don't look so pretty anymore lol. What to do? What to do?
So I'm faced with a decision. Do I fill products to the rim and raise prices accordingly? Or do I just leave them as is?
I don't want to raise my prices but I also don't want my customers feeling "cheated" that they didn't get a full jar of product.
If anyone has any opinions, I'd LOVE to hear them!
So hang in there while I suffer a few growing pains.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
What's with the name?
Everyone has heard of eye candy right? You see a (close your eyes husband) a cute young stud muffin and he's "eye candy". Eye candy=something that looks good to your eyes.
Skin Candy=something good for your skin!
So there it is. How I came up with Skin Candy.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
More Coming
I'm going to be testing:
Salt scrubbly bars
Salt scrubs
Lip scrubs
I'll let you know how things go and when/if they will be available on the site.
Stay tuned.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Scrubbly Bars
All feed back on the scrubbly bars have been great! I'm just getting size, packaging, & price down now. They will be made in mini muffin tins for "single use", with multiple bars in a package.
They should be available on the website within the next few weeks!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Rut Roh
I was NOT liking that look at all! BUT, being the good husband that he is, he trimmed it up for me and got rid of the "Santa" look :)
Hmmmm, now that he's following, does that mean I can't complain about him here?? Not that there is anything to complain about dear husband o'mine.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Host A Party
Host an online Skin Candy party and start earning free product!
How it works:
- drop me an e-mail at to get started
- I'll e-mail you a brochure, scent list, and order forms
- Hand out order forms to your friends and family
- They come online, to see the products etc, fill out order form and hand in to you, along with payment for their order (it's easiest if they make checks payable to you). There is also a $3 shipping charge per person added when they order.
- Once all orders are in, e-mail me a final order list
- Pay bill via Paypal or check. If paying by check, party orders can not be shipped until check has cleared the bank (so this way takes the longest)
- The order will arrive on your doorstep with bags and tissue paper.
- Put orders together and deliver. That's it
Here is the break down on sales:
Sell $175-$250 and receive 5% of sales in free product
Sell $251+ and receive 15% of sales in free product
The last online party the hostess sold $641 worth of product (to 8 women). She came away with $96.20 worth of FREE PRODUCT!
There has been many requests from our "sales reps" for scent samples so I have put together a system for that! The cost is $200+shipping, and you get 4 trays with lids that contain 24 lip balm pots (so that's 96 different scents), filled with solid perfume.
You can choose the 96 scents yourself, or I can choose for you.
You also get a pink & gray duffel bag embroidered with "Skin Candy" to carry your samples in.
So drop me an e-mail and get started earning smell goodies just for you!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I sent in 40 samples to Out of the Box Sampler, Lemming Central, and I'll be in the February box at the Little Black Box.
So I pack up these samples and mail them to the companies. I'm so excited to be getting my products in the hands of people all over the country. I just hope people like my stuff! Then the fun starts.
People lurv Skin Candy :) I start getting e-mails and questions, and some customers. Imagine my surprise when people want to actually blog about Skin Candy!
I started this blog too late to include a few blogs about Skin Candy :( But I'm the featured business at The Rusty Rooster, go and take a read.
Lonestar Vintage also did a little ditty about Skin Candy. I was the featured artist for December 9th.
So go and check out the sampler boxes if you are interested in trying out new and up and coming companies without breaking the bank!
Friday, January 30, 2009
I can't belive I'm blogging
I'll start off by telling you a little bit about me. My name is Melissa, I just turned 40 *sighs*, I'm a mom to my little boy Scout (he's a 7 year old yellow lab), I own a dog daycare, with my husband Steven (we met on the internet and have been married 8 years), in Allentown Pennsylvania, WoofWorld, and I opened up Skin Candy last year because Steven said I needed a "real" hobby (he doesn't think reading books is a real hobby).
So...I guess it's a start huh? ;)