Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rut Roh

Rut Roh, I see my husband is now following my blog. See the picture of him over on the left? That's him...well, that's him during the winter months. He grows a beard in the winter. I kind of liked the beard until he went all "Santa" on me. He started letting it grow, and grow, and grow...he even started to comb it so it would look BIGGER!!!

I was NOT liking that look at all! BUT, being the good husband that he is, he trimmed it up for me and got rid of the "Santa" look :)

Hmmmm, now that he's following, does that mean I can't complain about him here?? Not that there is anything to complain about dear husband o'mine.

1 comment:

  1. " Not that there is anything to complain about dear husband o'mine" better believe it! Your husband is awesome!
